Metropolis 1.

I like getting up early, when the City is still asleep, absorbed in its own silence. Cup of coffee while I stretch out with my cat listening to the news. It is a unique moment when I get in touch with my Zen entity, my own protective shield. To move around town, I usually walk or cycle. Not that I dislike driving, on the contrary, but I’d rather take the car to cover long distances. In town, it feels like a waste of time. Hours lost sitting in the traffic or looking for a parking. It only strains my Zen entity. But since this morning I have an interview out of town, I will take the car.
Same old interview, usual questions. As I head back, I come to an intersection. Traffic is jammed so, though the lights are green, I stop short of the crossing . I hate clogging up the circulation. An old lady standing by the side of the road with her dog is waiting to cross over. I give her a big smile and invite her to go ahead, we’re not moving anyway. A roaring verbal protest arises from behind and hooters start sounding the air. What a wide range of sounds, never noticed. A real symphony. I shrink in my seat and wave my hand as to say, “come on, we’re stuck anyway!”. Out of the blue two bikers speed through. My blood freezes and, with my heart in my throat, I stop breathing. The old woman and her dog nearly had it! Eyes wide open, they look at me horrified. I can tell my Zen entity received a real hard blow! and judging by the wild hair both the lady and the dog now have, I assume their own Zen entity was deeply impacted too! We share a seemingly endless moment during which everything comes to a still. I slowly start breathing again. traffic is at a standstill but I move ahead just a little to give way to an ambulance rushing our way. As it passes by, so do the usual smart asses who now have definitely jammed up the intersection. Oh well done you! Traffic lights turn green and then red again. The symphony picks up again in deafening tones. Time to roll the window up and turn the radio on before my Zen entity goes red. Over the radio the speaker talks about an oil spill in New Zealand waters. Another one? Damn! Doesn’t it ever stop? Wonder why sushi is so popular with all the crap our fish end up eating. Sea food crudités. Sea food shit you mean! Now it’s Steve Job’s turn. A lot of talking on the newly released iPhone 4S . Apparently he’s left a legacy of finished projects at hand. Quite a lot to look forward to. Here we go, time to pay the dues! He’s going to be sold to the bone! But at least he was lucky enough to get rich before he died, unlike many other artists.
Need to stop at the super market. I park the car. Those beautiful eyes at the entrance. I rush through the lanes, trying to avoid the human traffic and especially the trolleys people abandon savagely whilst browsing around. Tricky business, seriously. Need to be agile. Ok I’m done. Lined up at the till patiently waiting for my turn I go over my day. I really like my Zen entity. So reliable. Two women line up behind me. One of them is rather loud. Oh well, just one more to go and it’s my turn. What the heck! Damn trolley pressed on my back and that woman breathing down my neck! I summon my Zen entity once again. Nothing much I can do, have someone just in front. Damn! what is the matter with people?! I turn around and give her a look. She acts as if nothing were. Goes on chatting to her friend on how young people are so unmannered nowadays. I am suddenly overwhelmed by an urge to burst out laughing. Oh please don’t! The girl at the counter asks me whether I will need a bag. I look up. She is smiling.
On my way out, those beautiful eyes again. They belong to a dog, sitting by his owner, a young clochard usually posted outside the super. “Hi there, can I leave this food for the dog with you?” .I’ve also taken some biscuits for him. He says something but his voice sounds distant. I lose myself in those beautiful eyes once more and walk away.© Lalitwist @

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